Monday, October 24, 2011

Wake Up Calls For The West

In what should be a wakeup call for the West, two recent events suggest that the idea we're imposing West friendly, compliant regimes on countries whose internal affairs we decide to interfere in is as absurd as we predicted it to be.

First we have Hamid Karzai, Western backed president of 'liberated' Afghanistan syaing that his country would back Pakistan in the event of a war with America.

"God forbid, if a war breaks between Pakistan and America, we will side (with) Pakistan" said Karzai according to a transcript released by his office.

And now, in the wake of Gaddafi's death, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, head of Libya's National Transitional Council, has signalled that Sharia will be the basic source of Libyan law in future.

Effective immediately is a removal of the Gaddafi regimes ban on polygamy. Here comes the population explosion which the West will blindly support with foreign aid, thus storing ourselves up even more problems.

Also in Libya, banking regulations will be crafted in line with Sharia.

We are, quite simply, insane if we think we're getting West friendly regimes which will suddenly adopt Western values as a net result of all our interfering.

We're getting regimes that realise the value of keeping the West onside just enough to keep the money and support flowing. Beneficiaries of our generosity they might be, but friends they are not, they will bite the hand that feeds them, but - at least for the time being - not bite quite hard enough to stop it feeding them more.

There is going to be no big shift towards Western values - with our money and military endeavours we are merely clearing the way for regimes which have no love for us, and in many cases hardline Islamic regimes which may well make us rue our ever getting involved and helping to topple their predecessors.

We are storing up one hell of a mess where there's really no positive outcome for the West - feigned friendship that will last as long as we keep on giving, enemies galore both known and concealed, and opportunity which Islam would be insane not to take advantage of.

It is terrifying to think where this may lead, we're sowing the seeds for future nightmares. Some in the West may think we're taming these nations and dictatorships, but we'll find out soon enough it's the West who will be left waiting to come running when these new regimes click their fingers. Or else.


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