Monday, October 24, 2011

It's Miss Major's Birthday!

Once again, it's my honor and privilege to bow in the direction of the Bay Area and remind you TransGriot readers to wish one of our trailblazing iconic transwomen a happy birthday.

She transitioned in the 1950s, was a Stonewall Vet, a member of the Mattachine Society and now executive director of TJIP, but Miss Major not only continues to be an inspiration to us as one of our icons, she continues to fight for the human rights of all transpeople.  

And from time to time she sends some love the TransGriot's way

Know that I have much love and respect for you Miss Major.  Without you and the other trailblazing transwomen of African descent we would have no community now much less any connection to our proud history.  

You are one of my leadership role models in terms of telling it like it T-I-S is and it's a joy to not only hear you speak and read some interview you done, but be around you and spend quality time in your presence.  

Much love to you Miss Major on this day.  Keep speaking your truth, have a blessed day, and may you have many more.


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