Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's time to stop the bombing of Libya, and talk to Gaddafi, at least according to French Defence Minister Gerard Longuet, as cracks appear in the already shaky coalition of warmongers and the politicians - at least other than British ones - wake up to the futility of the Libyan escapade.

Such an outcome was wholly predictable, and leaves Dave Cameron and his cross party allies who back waging this so called 'humanitarian' war increasingly isolated on the world stage.

Even with NATO backing, based on a highly dubious interpretation of the UN Resolution, the disparate bunch of rebels didn't really stand much chance.

We were always going to arrive at this point - at least assuming a bomb didn't get Gaddafi - where the stark choice was between admitting failure, or sending in ground troops.

Overstretched with the deployments we already have, not to mention the fact that the British people are overwhelmingly opposed to seeing our soldiers sent home in coffins as the result of yet another illegal and unwanted foreign war, ground troops seem unlikely now.

Indeed, even had Gaddafi been killed or deposed, the likelihood is that ground troops, under the guise of humanitarian peacekeepers, would have been needed. Internal civil wars and power struggles wouldn't go with Gaddafi, they'd intensify. Without Western backing on the ground a post-Gaddafi Libya would descend into anarchy.

Cameron involved us in what was, and is, a war - we may as well call it as it is - that was futile and unwinnable from the beginning. Whether by moronic planning or blind optimism the goals were unattainable, and all roads led to either humiliating climbdown or Western troops on the ground in one form or another.

Our politicians, standard bearers for the ethos of democracy imposed at gunpoint, rushed in where even fools would fear to tread, and are now left with few choices, none of which will do Britain, or Libya, any favours.

We have enough problems at home, but ConDem, as Labour were before them, seem more interested in bringing carnage and chaos to foreign countries with their ill thought out military endeavours. All in the name of democracy and humanitarian reasons of course.


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