Monday, October 24, 2011

A Riot of Diversity

In the aftermath of the horrendous riots which blighted Britain, it has emerged that people from 44 different countries have so far been jailed for offences ranging from burglary to robbery to criminal damage.

Around 14% of those jailed were born abroad, although the true figure may well be higher as it is said 4% of those remanded in custody would not tell police their nationality.

Of course, bear in mind that these figures just represent born abroad, and not ethnicity as a whole since those born here would not be counted.

The numbers will undoubtedly increase as police investigations are continuing and further arrests are inevitable.

Jamaicans, Somalians and Polish topped the list of those jailed, with showings from places as far flung as Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Vietnam and Iraq.

Truly multiculturalism in action, the open borders brigade should pat themselves on the back at how wonderfully diverse these riots were, it seems many foreigners needed little help in integrating into criminality.

Official responses?

Damian Green, Immigration Minister, says that "Foreign nationals who were convicted of offences during the riots will be returned home wherever possible".

Wherever possible is a horrible caveat, it means most will end up staying after countless appeals and human rights cases no doubt.

Tom Brake, home affairs spokesman for the Liberal Democrats, sets the tone by telling us that we must exercise caution in seeking to deport those who have a family here.

Perhaps they should have exercised caution before getting involved in criminality and rioting, and obeyed the law of this land, if their family life mattered so much to them eh Tom?

Still, here we are, our cities smouldering, foreigners making up a significant proportion of the rioters so far jailed, and all of us know that most will never be deported.

What a triumph for the multicultural ideal, and what a disaster for Britain. As the hand wringing and excuses continue, one thing is almost certain - worse is yet to come.


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