Friday, September 30, 2011

A member of staff at Sainsburies superstore in Bridgwater has related a recent incident in which police allegedly refused to respond to a crime on the premises - because it involved travellers.

According to the member of staff, who does not wish to be named, three travellers vehicles arrived on the forecourt of Sainsburies petrol station, filled up with fuel, and left without paying.

The police response when contacted over the crime was to allegedly say that they would not respond to the incident. Currently, further information as to the reason given by the police for not responding is unknown.

Why is that - because it was believed the crime was committed by travellers? Could the police just not be bothered, or simply didn't have resources available?

One would assume that Sainsburies has CCTV adequate enough that it could furnish the police with the number plates of the vehicles involved.

Would either Sainsburies or the Bridgwater Police care to make an official comment on the alleged incident?

As our un-named member of Sainsburies staff commented, the police would have been quick enough to respond, and have had no qualms about turning up on someones doorstep, if it had been any 'ordinary' motorists who had committed the theft.

Are police, through either delusions of cultural sensitivity, or fear of confrontation, afraid to deal with crimes committed by travellers?

Does this mean that some people are effectively above the law?


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