Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ed Made To Look A Twitter

Poor Ed Miliband, finally people take a bit of notice - instead of saying "Ed Who" - and, rather unsurprisingly, it's just to mock.

It's not really been a good week, what with Harriet Harman making a (Freudian?) slip on Radio 4 and saying that she hoped David Miliband would be elected as Prime Minister at the next election, so venturing on Twitter to answer questions was always going to be a risk.

Still, hapless Ed took his chances with a question and answer session on Twitter, and the rather unsurprising result was jokers hijacking the show to ask all kinds of fun questions.

Here's just a few fun excerpts, makes a change for fun as it's seldom Ed and fun fit together in the same sentence, Ed and snoring is more common. Some we're far too polite to print, it really does appear that Ed has been rubbing the public up the wrong way.

"Do you ever look into Ed Balls' eyes, those burning little coals, & think 'He could kill and eat me now and no-one would care'?" posted by jedweightman.

"Do you have another job lined up for when your brother gets given yours" by WelshToy.

"Have you considered releasing a CD of your speech to help those with sleeping disorders nod off?" - from LadyStinkleBlow, and good idea, that may tie in with WelshToys question above, it could be a career for Ed, the UK's leading sleep therapist.

Some make a good point, like A_Liberty_Rebel tweeting "How does selecting MP candidates on basis of gender, race or class equate with your supposed dislike of discrimination?".

Or SmudgeThomas, with "Ed says he's got amnesia, pity the country hasn't he'd stand a better chance of winning the next election."

We'll allow this one through, "Why is your party conference a policy free circle jerk? Same question viz your party" from woodstockjag.

You get the idea, some with serious points, some with laughter, and at least we haven't had to listen to Ed's voice along the way.

Giving him a little kudos, Twitter is a brave move, but it does him little good. All it achieves is further highlighting the vacuous nature of his party and his hollow, pointless role as its charismatically challenged leader.

It will take Britain a long time to forget the Blair years. Indeed the legacy of mass immigration, cosying up to big business, and illegal wars New Labour presided over is still keeping on giving, we've reminders around us every day.

As for Ed? Ed who? Sorry, that amnesia has kicked in, although there was nothing memorable there to begin with and nothing worth paying attention to.


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