Friday, September 30, 2011

"It is important to test the school’s response to individual needs by observing how well it helps all pupils to make progress and fulfil their potential, especially those whose needs, dispositions, aptitudes or circumstances require particularly perceptive and expert teaching and/or additional support."

"In any particular school, such pupils may include disabled pupils; boys; girls; groups of pupils whose prior attainment may be different from that of other groups; those who are academically more able; pupils for whom English is an additional language; minority ethnic pupils; gipsy, Roma and traveller children; pupils known to be eligible for free school meals; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual pupils; young carers, pupils from low income backgrounds and other vulnerable groups."

Ofsted guidance, taken from an excellent Daily Mail article on plans for schools to be rated based on how they improve the progress of vulnerable groups like gypsies and gay children.

One would say what about the majority, but since boys and girls are mentioned it seems they covered that base one way or another - although, what about trisexuals and isn't there officially a 3rd gender now?

The first and most obvious point is why the hell must we try and pigeonhole as many into some kind of minority category as possible. Is the goal to create a society where everyone is defined by their minority status in one respect or another?

Not to mention, how to decide which children are gay and lesbian - are they such because they have a bit of curiosity, are they going to be asked to come up in front the class and tell the teacher who they snogged at the weekend or interrogated as to whether they have a crush on a famous figure of the same sex?

Will we then categorise them forever, you are gay, you are bi, get used to it?

When I was at school, I had free school dinners, I was from what would be called a low income background, does that now make me a minority?

Why does a society which supposedly preaches that we're all identical, we're all equal, insist upon putting as many divides between everyone as they can and at as early an age as possible?

It gives voice to the lie that is the sham clothing of equality.

Who will suffer? With finite resources, special focus on the aptitudes or circumstances of one group will mean less resources spent on another group. We really don't need to ask which group/s that will be, it'll be groups who don't tick those special characteristics checkboxes.

Everything has become about slotting people into minority boxes, creating new minorities on demand, and about focusing attention there, it's political correctness gone mad.

How about a radical thought here - this is from the heart and after speaking to someone I know who was in the care system for most of their childhood - and treating kids like kids, encouraging them to learn, and not only giving a damn because they happen to be in the right category of 'needs'.

They don't want, or need, excuses made for them, or lower expectations because of their background, they want to be valued as more than a checklist exercise who will receive special attentions just because they can tick some boxes on the minority or slated for special treatment register, or receive no attention because the don't tick the right boxes.

In tandem with that, certain groups of kids don't want to be forced to the realisation that they are valued less because they do not happen to tick those boxes, they are not of the same importance.

All children are betrayed by being made into pawns in the diversity game, be it those who don't tick enough boxes and who are left to their own devices, or those who tick enough boxes to be made subject to special attentions and endless excuses.

Political correctness turns all children into paper exercises, it is quite possibly perhaps the most insulting and discriminatory system ever created.


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