Thursday, September 29, 2011

UKBA officers, acting on information received, carried out checks on staff at Chopsticks on Gloucester High Street, found 3 illegal workers and resulted in over £7,000 in cash being seized.

All of the illegal workers detained were Chinese. A 49 year old man and a 21 year old woman were found to have entered the UK illegally.

A 25 year old man was identified as a failed asylum seeker who had remained in Britain after his claim had been rejected.

Accommodation over the takeaway was searched, and over £7,000 in cash was discovered, and seized under the Proceeds of Crime Act. Bristol Magistrates Court granted permission for the money to be kept whilst further investigations are carried out.

The three illegal workers have been given immigration bail, and must report to a local police station whilst measures are taken to remove them from the UK.

How about using the £7,000 to cover a small part of the costs these illegal workers have imposed upon the UK legal system?

Almost every time UKBA releases information about raids/illegal workers in the South West it seems that restaurants or takeaways are involved.

If there is one area that it appears illegal workers have made their own, thus denying jobs to those who are entitled to work here, it is the fast food and takeout industry.


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