Friday, September 30, 2011

France - Lost For Words

Warning, this video contains upsetting and sickening footage, but it is footage which needs to be seen.

Having just watched the 2012 Vote for the Nation video supporting Marine Le Pen and Front National, well, for once I am at a loss for words.

It's a very disturbing film the whole way, but the old lady being attacked at the 4 minute mark, words can't express it, this blog would be pulled offline if I wrote them down.

That's the incident which really stood out, but the whole video is shocking, we in Britain grieve and stand shocked and appalled with the French at what has been forced upon them.

France and the French people did not deserve this, nor do Britain and the British people. None of us do.

But, this is the truth of what we have all become, this is the inevitable product of diversity triumphant, an undercurrent of hate and violence to alien forces transforming our societies into unrecognisable jungles where civilisation crumbles.

This will only get worse unless we change it, this is not just France, this is here too.

Glib politicians sold us on the mulitcultural and multiracial dream, something that would be of infinite benefit to our societies, transforming us into an enriched paradise of harmony.

They never told us about the flip side, one suspects many of them may well have known, but they hid it from us.

They kept it under wraps as the problems became evident, as crime soared, as whole areas within our nations became foreign lands, they allowed it to fester and told us all was well as our nations sank into a quagmire of chaos.

We see the results all around us, and who can honestly say that they like what they see, that this is enriching and is not in actuality the death knell of civilisations falling, destroyed from within?

And still it continues, crime soars, society is ravaged, and still the floodgates of our borders are open so that tidal wave of invasion continues. Still the politicians bury their heads in the sand, still they tell us that all is well as we slip into national suicide.

God help France if this continues any further - and God help Britain too, we are well advanced down the same path to self destruction.

We must change this, the alternative is too appalling to contemplate, even the now is almost beyond comprehension.

It is obvious that politicians of the Lib/Lab/Con mould will do nothing but parrot the same old hollow rhetoric and excuses at us as we teeter on the edge of irreversible destruction.

This video is not just France, it's all of us in Western Europe - this is our now, and our future will be more horrifying still.

Is this what we want as our now, is this the legacy we wish to leave for our childrens future?


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