Thursday, September 29, 2011

In a move which echoes the indoctrination more commonly found in Communist states, a report by MEP Jean Maria-Cavada proposes that compulsory "European Citizenship" classes should be forced upon children.

The plans, which would see children as young as five forced to sit through lessons into how to be a good European, and compelled to endure propaganda lessons in the benefits of the EU, bring sinister echoes of bygone times when youth were brainwashed into creating political change.

In the report it is suggested that European schools are promoted in Britain, and that we "encourage the emergence of European citizenship from a very young age".

As well as this, EU member states are asked to include teaching in their national syllabuses.

Of course, one doubts there will be warts and all lessons on the EU - kids will be subjected to a one side hymn of praise for the sprawling, corrupt superstate with the idea of brainwashing children to grow up supporting it.

With many adults already wising up to distinctly undemocratic and maniacally meddlesome nature of the EU, the plan smacks a little of desperation, a bid to capture the young before they know any better.

The sprawling monolith which is the EU, teetering as it is in the light of numerous recent problems such as the member nation debt crisis, seeks to dig its tentacles into every walk of life and national existence.

It will not balk at attempting to indoctrinate our children to become future generations of good little Europhiles, their opinions moulded from the moment they walk into the schoolyard.

Schools have already become places too much about indoctrination what with all the equalities and racism dogma hammered into kids, without them also becoming academies of propaganda for the European nightmare.


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