Friday, September 30, 2011

Dizaei Back in the Blue

Ali Dizaei, recently released from prison after winning an appeal against his conviction for misconduct in a public office and perverting the course of justice, has been reinstated as a commander at Scotland Yard after winning an appeal against his dismissal - despite the fact that he is to stand trial next year in relation to perverting the course of justice.

Iranian born Dizaei, 49, is - once again - Britain highest ranking Muslim police officer, and given his 'colourful' history within the police force one has to wonder if that has a bearing on his seemingly untouchable status.

Operation Helios, carried out by police in 2000, and with an estimated cost of £7million, investigated numerous allegations against Dizaei, including spying for Iran, bribery, drug taking and the use of prostitutes.

Dizaei was suspended over these allegations, and later charged with submitting false expenses claims, misconduct in a public office, and perverting the course of justice. He was cleared of the charges, and the CPS did not proceed with the false expenses claims case.

A former head of the Black Police Association, Dizaei brought a claim for racial discrimination, which was withdrawn after he was reinstated and handed a large payout.

His 2007 book, "Not one of us", serialised by BBC Radio 4, caused a storm and, as the title implies, very much suggested that all of his many 'troubles' were essentially down to prejudice.

Now, he's reinstated to his £90,000 a year job as a police Commander, and due to face a new trial early next year over allegations of perverting the course of justice relating to an incident outside of a restaurant.

What a colourful past - no pun intended - and a wonderful poster child for the fast tracking of minorities into high office.

Given Dizaei's propensity for suing we'll leave the reader to make up their own minds whether he's a victim of persecution, or whether his ticking a few of those magic minority checkboxes may quite possibly have served him well.


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