Wednesday, September 28, 2011

"The Lib Dem Leadership Programme, designed to support around 50 future Parliamentary candidates from under-represented backgrounds through training, mentoring, shadowing opportunities, was launched by Nick Clegg last Saturday.

Within the Programme, 50 per cent of the places will be reserved for women, and 20 per cent for those from BAME backgrounds, 10 per cent for those with disabilities and within the remaining 20 per cent, places are available for those who are openly lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender candidates and those from lower income backgrounds." : From the Liberal Democrat News.

Don't apply if you are a white straight male then, at least unless you may just scrape by as being from a "lower income background".

Whatever happened to the - outmoded and so discriminatory! - idea that a candidate should be chosen on merit, not picked because they tick the right boxes on the minority must be promoted scorecard.

Discrimination is seemingly acceptable if it is discrimination in the name of promoting diversity, inequality is endorsed if that inequality is aimed at certain groups.

So much for an equal society, the road to illusory and deceptive equality is paved with new inequalities.

Dress it up how they will, be it positive discrimination, promoting equality, advancing the disadvantaged, it comes at the expense of other groups who find themselves held back because of their gender, skin colour, or sexual orientation.

By the very definitions imposed by the equalities thought police that is discrimination, the very thing which they are supposedly trying to eradicate.

Equalities rests on a flawed pedestal, already undermined, by its central tenet that it is allowable to discriminate against some groups in the interests of creating equality for others.

That is a contradiction, equality cannot exist when it is based upon the creation of inequality to further its aims.

The whole thing is a deceptive farce dressed up in positive sounding words, inequality is at the heart of the whole equalities racket, something which the Liberal Democrats endorse as this leadership programme makes evident.


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