Thursday, October 20, 2011

Panorama has a very interesting episode - somewhat politically correct, of course, what else would you expect - on child beggars.

Read between the lines a little, we're granted a picture of endemic begging, exploitation of Britain, and authorities who appear to be doing very little about it.

On the one hand an equality spokeswoman tells us it is wrong to associate any one group with criminality, yet moments before the BBC commentator had pointed directly to the ethnic origins of the majority of child beggars.

"For 2,000 years we've been living off begging" says one local Gypsy boss in Romania.

The same speaker tells us that the British state gives people benefits, so they save it up to buy villas and houses back in Romania.

Well worth a watch, we can see much that is wrong with Britain today.

A system which makes us prone to exploitation by anyone in the world, political correctness tying hands - we've the usual calls for sensitivity when investigating people from certain communities as it harms community cohesion - and of course the word racism comes up.

Of course nobody considers the obvious point when talking about child slavery and exploitation - that our pathetic system all but encourages that by making Britain and the British taxpayer rich pickings. Just look at all the nice houses and flashy cars in Romania to see how profitable exploiting Britain is.

Arrest away, deport a few, feel sorry for the children by all means. But, if authorities are serious about protecting these children then the entire system must change so that Britain is no longer a cash cow for every foreigner who is willing to do anything in order to rip off the UK, and who knows that they can do so with little in the way of consequences.

Panorama, BBC iPlayer - Here


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