Friday, October 21, 2011

Rothschild Puppet DAVID Cameron was braced for the biggest rebellion of his premiership after the Tory civil war over a proposed EU referendum intensified dramatically last night.

The Prime Minister was warned that at least 15 ministers and ministerial aides were ready to quit frontbench posts rather than follow his orders to oppose the referendum plan in a ­historic Commons vote next Monday.

By last night, nearly 80 MPs from all parties had backed the motion calling for a referendum. At least 57 Tories, more than a third of the party’s backbenchers, had defied party Whips by signing the Commons motion supporting the national poll on the UK’s EU membership.

But attempts were being made to water down the referendum bid by proposing amendments to the original motion. One amendment proposed by Tory backbencher George Eustice called for the Government to renegotiate the terms ofBritain’s EU membership and then hold a referendum.

Mr Eustice said: “This would allow voters to judge the Government.”

Downing Street sources said the Government would not back the amendment but welcomed any move that would “muddy the waters”.

Tory rebels claimed the amendment was a deliberate attempt by Government Whips to wreck the referendum bid. Backbencher Peter Bone said: “This could have been written in the Whips’ Office. It is an attempt to sabotage the referendum motion.”


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