Thursday, October 20, 2011

An image captured off a cellular phone 
camera shows the arrest of Libya's 
strongman Muammar Gaddafi in Sirte on 
October 20, 2011

Libyan Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril has confirmed that Colonel Gaddafi has been killed. The fugitive leader died of wounds sustained in his capture near Sirte. Gaddafi’s corpse has already been delivered to Misrata, according to Al Arabiya.

TV footage showing anti-Gaddafi fighters dragging the colonel’s body have been shown on Al Jazeera English and several pictures purportedly showing the slain strongman have appeared on the internet. An NTC official confirmed the pictures were real.

The fighters claim they saw Gaddafi get shot dead in his lower body from a rifle. One fighter says he hit Gaddafi with his shoe, which is a grave insult in the Arab world.

There have also been reports that the colonel’s son Motassim has been captured in the fallen stronghold of Sirte. An NTC commander claims he is also dead. As for Gaddafi’s highest-profile son, Saif al-Islam, there have been reports that he has been surrounded by NTC forces while fleeing Sirte under convoy.

NTC leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil will address the Libyan nation shortly and NTC Deputy Chairman Ghoga is expected to announce the liberation of all of Libya within hours. A US official has confirmed that the new Libyan leaders have informed Washington that Gaddafi is dead.

According to Reuters, Gaddafi was wounded and captured near Sirte while trying to flee in a convoy which was attacked by NATO. UN General Secretary Ban Ki-moon has said that the day of Gaddafi’s death marks a historic transition for Libya.

Libya’s Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril said that following the death of the strongman it is time for Libyans to launch a new, united Libya. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has said that the war in Libya is “over.”

The European Union said in a statement that the death of Muammar Gaddafi marks the “end of era despotism.”


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