Friday, October 21, 2011

Dodgy business dealings and secret meetings will remain undisclosed

The assassination of Muammar Gaddafi via a combination of NATO bombs and US-backed al Qaeda affiliated rebels, serves to sweep away a myriad of, shall we say, uncomfortable circumstances. Perhaps the most damning of those are the intimate links shared between Gaddafi and his “good friend” Tony Blair.

The former Libyan dictator’s death negates any requirement for a UN International Criminal Court trial, a la Saddam Hussein or Slobodan Milosevic. Thus Blair’s intimate business dealings and multiple secret meetings with Gaddafi during his tenure as British Prime Minister and beyond will be kept away from public scrutiny.

As reported by the London Telegraph just last month, Blair’s close relationship with Gaddafi was once again thrust into the spotlight with the revelation that he privately met the dictator a total of six times since leaving Downing Street in 2007.

On two of those occasions, Blair arrived in Libya on a jet, privately chartered by the Gaddafi regime.

Five of the visits took place in the months prior to the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber. It is thought that Blair helped broker business deals with Gaddafi bypromising to push for al-Megrahi’s release from prison in Scotland.

According to an investigation by a British Channel 4 documentary team, Blair met with Gaddafi’s former chief of staff Bashir Saleh Bashir at Blair’s London home on July 20, 2009, just one month before al-Megrahi’s release.

It is believed that Gaddafi had threatened to end lucrative trade deals with Britain (which Blair had sealed when he was still Prime minister) involving minerals, financial services and other goods.

The London Telegraph also uncovered details of a meeting between the two men in January 2009, when Blair was acting on behalf of US investment bank JP Morgan.


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