Sunday, October 23, 2011

A number of public toilets in Somerset villages have closed - at least one after reports of cottaging were made and closure was recommended to the council by police.

Included among the closures are the toilets on Free Street in Ilchester.

Cottaging, for those who may not know, is the act of men seeking sex with men in public toilets, often anonymous sex which takes place in the toilets cubicles. How....pleasant.

Why should the toilets be closed, and everyone else denied the chance to use them for their proper purpose, because of the actions of a few committing an 'antisocial' act.

If police and council were doing their job then it should be those committing these acts targeted, not just the blanket closure of a public facility - which of course will just shift the problem on to somewhere else.

Or, would it be too insensitive and not politically correct to take action against men who are using public toilets as a meeting place for gay sex?

It probably would be thought such in this day in age, an act of homophobic hate no doubt.

If you do happen to walk in on a couple of men 'engaged' in a public lavatory, be very careful how you word your complaint should you contact the police!

And seriously, why should the actions of a few be allowed to lead to an inconvenience for all?

*As a quick sidenote, certainly seems there may be a problem in Ilchester, and Yeovil too - appears there are websites actually giving guides and write ups on toilets there, as well as directions on how to reach them.


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