Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Meet Dr. Sliman Bouchuiguir, the man behind the verified pack of lies used to justify NATO's intervention in Libya. This amazing piece of investigative journalism reveals not only how tenuous these fabrications were, but have produced Bouchuiguir himself admitting flagrantly that the allegations he made were contrived, baseless, unconfirmed, and designed specifically to give the necessary requirements for NATO's intervention.

Furthermore, Bouchuiguir reveals his ties to both the Libyan rebel "National Transitional Council," particularly NTC Prime Minister Mahmoud Jabril (also spelled "Gibril") whom he cites as a source for his allegations, and the US government-funded International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

These associations paint a dark picture of the depths of depravity from which this war was prosecuted from. This is the justification for a "humanitarian war" where self-serving foreign interests masquerading as "international institutions" arrange for a disgruntled opposition vying for power whom they are supporting, funding, arming, and whose leaders they are harboring, to manage the perception of a given conflict to provide a predictably slanted pretext for "international intervention."

This immense criminal enterprise, referred to as "responsibility to protect" or "R2P" is a subject now being covered in depth at, and a subject the public must be educated on, as "R2P" is the pretext these same interests are attempting to use against Syria and beyond.

Please visit the website of the makers of this documentary, here. For an in depth, documented look at the subject matter, please see Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya's excellent article titled, "Lybia: Human rights impostors used to spawn NATO's fraudulent war."


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