Wednesday, October 19, 2011

More than 400 allegations of physical abuse committed against Muslim children attending madrassas in the UK have been made in the last 3 years.

The madrassas, which are not formally regulated, are attended by anything up to 500,000* children a day in England, Scotland, and Wales.

From 420 allegations over 3 years, only 10 cases made it to court, and only two resulted in a conviction.

Many believe that the low number of cases is related to twin factors of the Muslim community closing its doors to the outside, with many cases going unreported or being dropped because of so called community pressure, and police reluctance to become involved in the issue.

Channel 4's "Lessons in Hate" documentary recently went undercover in a number of UK madrassas, and delivered shocking footage of pupils being beaten and intimidated.

Would a virtual blind eye have been turned for so long were it not the 'religion of peace' involved, and if many in the Muslim community didn't exist as virtually a separate society to the rest of Britain?

One point of note is the 'up to 500,000 children a day' attending madrassas - it's not a typo. That's a lot of children, as they reach adulthood and have children of your own, well, you can see for yourself what is going to happen to the population makeup of the UK.

One suspects very few non Muslims send their children to such establishments.

Makes you wonder how many Muslims there really are in the UK if there are an estimated half a million children attending part time madrassas, and just how much of the population of the UK Islam will make up in a decade or two's time.

*figure cited by the Telegraph, here.


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