Thursday, October 20, 2011

Eat 'em up, Eat 'em up, Rah Rah Rah!

It's homecoming weekend at my alma mater and my favorite undefeated and nationally ranked collegiate football team takes on the Marshall Thundering Herd tomorrow at the Rob. 

It should be sold out by the time the game kicks off at 3:30 PM CDT and we Cougar fans are hoping we get one step closer to a perfect BCS busting season, a BCS bowl berth and membership in the Big East Conference in 2013 with UH President and chancellor Renu Khator and AD Mack Rhoades headed to New York for meetings with Big East officials..  

But still too early for that.   To paraphrase a line from the late Al Davis, just win Cougars!

And now we'll move on from college football UH style to my normal Friday business on these electronic pages, the weekly TransGriot Shut Up Fool Awards    Every week I shine a spotlight on the fool, fools or group of fools who deserve to be given an 'F' in common sense and an 'A' for stupidity and ignorance.

The nominees this week were Willard ''Mitt' Romney, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Rep Eric Cantor (R-VA), Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), a Fox Noise group nomination, Rep. Allen West (R-FL), Gretchen Carlson and Pat Buchanan.

But our runaway winner this week was former Pennsylvania senator and current 2012 GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum.

First he tried to justify his homophobia by trying to compare himself to Abraham Lincoln and in the same breath compare same gender marriage to slavery. (megafail) .  

I'm not going to even dignify that with a rant even though I should.   Then he pledged to ban government funding of contraceptives and said 'Sex should only be for procreation."   

Really Rick?  And how many girls did you make out with in the back seat of cars or your dorm room in college?

Rick Santorum, shut the HELL up fool!


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