Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pride And Our Youth

"...if TV programmes suddenly started showing the Indigenous behaving with more respect for themselves instead of the Jeremy Kyle, Big brother, Eastenders, brainwashing they are bombarded with now, some of it might rub off on them. Of course that will not happen until we elect a Nationalist Govt that will promote National pride in our people." - "Ade" commenting on BNP Ideas

Pride. That is exactly it, our younger generations have been systematically robbed of any pride which they might feel, of any identity which they might truly call their own.

By the time they've left primary school they've been encouraged to 'experiment', they've been quizzed about whether they are hetero, homo, bi, tri, trans, pan-romantic, heaven alone knows what. And they've been encouraged to experiment.

They've been told how to cook halal and forced to do it - do you see many Muslim kids being forced to cook a full English breakfast? - and taught to be sensitive to the needs of every other culture.

Political correctness has been forced upon them. Questioning - which is the cornerstone of all true learning - is forbidden. They know that they must obey, and think how they are told, even though many of them realise the dogma for the lie that it is, else they will be punished.

Every thought and every word of theirs is up for trial against the politically correct standards which is inflicted upon them, their minds will not be allowed to grow, instead they will be constrained into the shape which the thought police have dictated.

Television, in homes 24/7 it seems, reinforces the message. You and your people are no good, minority is great, worship minority, emulate minority. Abase yourself to the minority, become a minority if you can, minority is the ultimate role model.

Systematically stripped of any pride in our people, in their Britishness, they are thrown forth into a workplace where they know they matter less than others.

They can be denied a job because a minority is needed to fill some quota, they can find their future outsourced to India and themselves thrown on the dole queue, watching as jobs go to foreigners.

The sense of worthlessness, alienation, the total eradication of all pride, has taken place long before this.

They have been taught that pride is somehow shameful, that their feeling pride in who they are is an insult to others, that they should crush any feelings of pride lest it offend others.

Who can blame them for finding refuge in the beer bottle, or in mimicking minority, or when that anger they feel at being forced into denying who they are spills over?

Pride is what we need back in our young, it is the greatest gift a nationalist government could give to the nation.

Instead of shame, the young need to be taught to feel pride in our nation, in who they are, and in the heritage which they have.

Each of our young needs to be able to say "This is who I am" and feel their hearts swell with pride, not cringe and remain silent for fear of causing offence or of attracting the wrath of the thought police.

When we give the young back their pride, and the right to express that without fear, we sow the seeds for a far better tomorrow, we give our youth back a future.

If youth can look at themselves and feel pride, if they can look at our nation and feel love, and if they can look at us and say that we have done our best by them, we will have succeeded.

Pride is their right - and it is our responsibility to nurture and encourage that, if we fail in this then we betray our own future.

If society - as it does today - deliberately stifles their pride and teaches them shame instead then it commits treason against the future of the British people and destroys the most precious thing we have, the future of our children.


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