Thursday, September 1, 2011

In addition to this being Labor Day weekend and in Chicago the weekend they host the Miss Continental pageant, my actor-singing Houston homegirl's 30th birthday is this weekend on September 4.

Hey, y'all can hate on her all you want, she's got more dollars in her bank account and Grammys on her shelf than many of us will ever have.   In addition, Beyonce Giselle Knowles-Carter has already dropped the news that she's going to be a mommy . 

So yeah, happy birthday, cangratulations and much love to my Houston homegirl even if she did annoy the hell out of me with that Gwyneth Paltrow comment

Now let's move on to our weekly Friday business of discovering which fool or fools deserved a TransGriot Shut Up Fool Award.

Our nominees this week are Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, a Fox News group award, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), Mitt Romney, Rabbi Yehuda Levin, Chelsea Handler, Steve Doocy, Megyn Kelly, Michelle Malkin, and Dick Cheney.

But this week's winner is Rep. Allen West (R-FL) 

He predictably did his conservamassa's bidding by jumping into the kerfluffle that got stirred up over Rep. Andre Carson's remarks excoriating the Tea Klux Klan.

While on Fox and Friends, he stated, “When you start using words such as lynching…
that’s a reprehensible word and I think we should move away from that
language,” he said. “One of the things I’m starting to think about is
reconsidering my membership in the Congressional Black Caucus, because I
don’t think they’re moving in the right manner toward solving the
problems in not just the black community, but all of America.”

Yeah, right.  The same person that sent his own out of work brother to the ATL job forum that the CBC held.  Here's an Oreo cookie for you.    Don't let the door hit you in your sellout behind on your way out of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Guess you forgot about calling liberalism a '21st century plantation', saying that Palestinians 'only want a return to the Holocaust', and comparing President Obama to Hitler.

Rep. Allen West, shut the HELL up Fool!   



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