Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Time Is Now

Well, the chickens are finally coming home to roost with news that court enforcement officers are at Nick Griffins home, purportedly seizing his car and seeking to recover a large debt.

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Is that in relation to the debts we were assured had been paid off/settlements negotiated etc during the leadership campaign? How many more of these cases are to come?

Interesting to note the name of venomous forum poster "Derrick Day" cited as a reason for provoking the action.

Anyone who has read Derricks postings will have seen his poisonous scorn for nationalists - at least those who don't kiss the leaderships posteriors - and utter contempt for anything so trivial as the party actually paying the debts that it owes.

Not to mention Derrick recently gloated about purges and kicking out good people.

How long until it's your turn now Derrick, one doubts Nick will be too chuffed seeing his car towed away and your name mentioned in connection with it all.

To make things far worse, we now also know that Romac press has gone out of of business, with the loss of 9 British jobs.

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At the heart of it? The party leaderships failure to pay £44,000 in debt owed for printing services - despite having submitted invoices to the Electoral Commission marked as 'paid'.

Whatever the legal aspects, a British company is now defunct, and British workers out of a job, because of the actions of those in charge of the BNP.

It's morally wrong, and a total political own goal. Every time we call for British jobs for British workers now, guess what our opponents will point at and say "What about their jobs?"

Unless we practice what we preach then we're no different to the scoundrels of Lib/Lab/Con, we're just another party with a good line in slogans and a bad habit of not living by them ourselves.

In the light of these events we, as a party, quite simply have no credibility whilst the current leadership remains in place.

Any one of these events on its own should be enough for any political leader with integrity to resign.

Instead, Nick Griffin posts on Twitter about negligence claims against solicitors.

Indeed, that slender win in a dirty leadership campaign should have been enough to trigger resignations as well, 9 votes does not a mandate make.

We have a leadership which has now demonstrated that it is lacking in all credibility and integrity. Their actions have set nationalism back years, and we haven't even seen the full extent of the mess they have made yet.

What revelations are there still to be made in days to come? We'll find out, and we'll hang our heads in shame at what those running our party have done.

Our opponents will use all this as a stick to beat nationalism with for years.

Sadly, they'll have a point. This is OUR party. The nightmare may be of the leaderships making, but if we continue to support them and keep them in place then we too must shoulder the blame.

Indeed, we are to blame if we do nothing now that we cannot but be aware of the corruption and incompetence among our leadership.

For the future of nationalism, OUR nation, and OUR people, we have to change this.

If we fail to do so then we fail, and we share the guilt for our parties failings.

We can no longer have any doubts as to what we must do now.

Now is the time when we must change things, get a competent and honest leadership in place, and redouble our efforts to make nationalism a success.

This is our future, and our children's future, we cannot fail them.

The time to change things for the better is now, consign these failures and failings to the past, and build a party which each and every one of us knows that we, and Britain, deserve.


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