Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bailouts, bailouts, bailouts. Be it a bank, a foreign country, or the Euro as a whole, seems there's always some money in the kitty to bail them out. Who can doubt Britain will end up further on the hook to prop up the whole rotten mess?

A bailout by any other name, be it crisis fund or financial stability facility, is still a bailout, and all of the money is coming from somewhere. That somewhere is inevitably the people one way or another, it's always passed on to us.

The whole thing brings back memories of the banking crisis, where the cry seemed to be "too big to fail" - aka we'll socialise the losses on to the taxpayer, and private profits will continue for a few as always.

Politicians decide who or what is too big to fail, and we pay the price, but they ignore the fact that there is another too big to fail, one which is neglected and being allowed to fail, and that is Britain and the British people.

The British worker abandoned to raise children on a giro because there are no jobs left, and no prospects of getting one that pays more than a pitiful sum.

The British pensioner, left freezing and hungry in winter, living on a derisory pension and forgotten by the society they have given their lives to.

The British child, our future, struggling in a school where 50 languages are spoken, growing up with little prospect of security or hope of a real future.

Each and every one of those is too big to fail and yet fail them we do, fail them day in and day out.

They don't get a bail out, they get - at best - a few glib words and then ignored.

We fail them all and nobody gives a damn, there is no talk of too big to fail when it comes to the British people, bailouts amount to no more than a pittance to buy silence until tomorrow.

When it comes to priorities, banks and foreign nations are too big to fail, the British people appear to be considered too unimportant to bail.

We have seriously lost our way when our nation can be thus, where our people don't matter any more.

The people of Britain are too big to fail, yet the society around us speaks for itself - generations of politicians have failed Britain and the British people, but there is no bailout for us because none of them care.

Be it that jobless British worker, that freezing British pensioner, or that British child denied an education, they are the ones who are too big to be allowed to fail, and too important for us to fail.

Banks can fail, the Euro can fail, Britain and our people may suffer a little, but Britain will carry on.

If the British people fail, if Britain fails its people, then there will be no Britain left to carry on.

The British people are far too big to fail. It is high time that we recognised that and accorded them even a fraction of the attention devoted to banks, foreign economies, and the Euro.

Should Britain and the British people be allowed to fail then nothing else matters, it has all been for nothing.


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