Sunday, September 4, 2011

Well, it's not often I post something personal here, but for once I'll make an exception.

A few days ago I had the pleasure to enjoy a little walking around a few villages in the Cheddar area, and thought I'd share a few photographs.

The weather was fine and sunny, we picked blackberries, the air didn't stink of exhaust fumes, everywhere the eye looked there wasn't a sprawling mass of houses or a new estate under construction.

Why do I share this? The pictures are nothing special in the scale of things, just green fields, farmland, and blue skies.

It's just to say what a beautiful country we still have, although places of beauty are dwindling fast - and, it seemed relevant what with news of the ever increasing demand for new housing, due in large part to immigration.

How long before photographs like these are something in the history books, everywhere becomes just another urban sprawl?

Will it be our children, or our childrens children, for whom images like this are yesterday, who find that their Britain is a concreted over nightmare?

Preventing our future generations from that tomorrow of a Britain which is solely a sprawling urban landscape is surely something worth fighting for.

*Apologies for the poor picture quality, photos were taken on a mobile phone.


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