Sunday, September 4, 2011

Even if we were to build 200,000 new homes a year - far above current levels - then by the year 2033 we will still be short of 800,000 homes, the number of homes in Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, and Nottingham, combined.

The shock findings, published by Migrationwatch, show that we face building 200 homes a day - just to house the extra population arriving via immigration.

36% of new households, more than a third, during 2001-2008 came as a result of immigration.

For a truly staggering figure, if we look at London, we find that 93% of new households during this period were - you've guessed it - as a result of immigration.

And the establishment claim that we aren't being colonised? That figure alone highlights that statement for the falsehood that it is.

Also hidden in the increasing requirement for housing, and not included in these figures, will be the descendants of many who have settled here growing up and in turn wanting their own home.

We've said it before and we'll say it again, mass immigration is the gift that keeps on giving.

The kicker to worsen the entire situation is that the number of new houses being built has actually declined drastically due to the recession, witnessing its biggest annual fall in three decades during 2008, and it's still continuing to fall.

People keep coming, and the houses are simply not being built to accommodate them.

Even if house building was keeping pace, how much of our countryside would be swallowed up to accommodate homes for countless people year on year, how many of our towns and cities would become increasingly overcrowded?

With the additional demand for housing comes the additional demand on national infrastructure - police, NHS, fire service, the list goes on.

There is neither room nor resources to support the population of the UK expanding at this rate. We are overcrowded and overstretched as is.

We have an economy in tatters, a government which preaches austerity and cutbacks to all services - something which is utterly incompatible with the population growing at an uncontrolled rate.

Whatever those in favour of mass immigration may say, there is inevitably a point when there is no more room. It's not a question of whether we'll reach that point, we will - many believe we already have - but rather just when those in charge will wake up and decide that point has been reached.

Britain is a small island nation. We can keep on packing people in until there is not a trace of green left, everything has been concreted over to make way for more housing, but one day the point will come when even the pro immigration lobby will have to echo the call that there is "no more room".

The sooner this nation wakes up to the terrible burdens being imposed upon it by mass immigration the better.

Every day we do nothing makes sure that when we are forced to confront these problems - and make no mistake about it that we will one day be forced, we cannot bury our heads in the sand forever - they will be all the harder to fix.

Migrationwatch Report - Here


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