Wednesday, October 19, 2011

One day, just one day, Dhimmi Dave Cameron will do something to shock voters. Not today though, no big surprise that Conservative MP's are to be ordered to vote against proposals for a referendum on Europe.

Camerons decision to impose a three line whip is somewhat ironic given the fact that the vote on the referendum motion arose from rules which ConDem claimed would give backbenchers more freedom.

Guess what backbenchers? You've as much freedom as the rest of us, the only time you'll really get a say is when the leadership know that you will say what they want.

Under the motion, the proposed referendum would offer voters three choices on the UK's future within (or without) the EU.

A/ remain a member of the EU on the current terms B/ leave the EU C/ renegotiate the terms of its membership in order to create a new relationship based on trade and co-operation.

The outcome of such a referendum - if held fairly - is already known, it most definitely won't be option A, and that's exactly the reason why so many among the big parties leaderships will fight tooth and nail to make sure that the UK never gets a say.

There may be some huffing and puffing from Eurosceptic Tories, but that's about where it will end. Cameron and his three line whip is already ensuring exactly how the vote will go, and there's little hope Labour will decide to support the motion in order to humiliate Dhimmi Dave.

Even if - miracle of miracles - the motion is successful, the result is still non binding. There will be no referendum offered, it's as simple as that.

At most, should the motion succeed, Dhimmi Dave will promise to listen to the result, and maybe to do something "when the time is right". The rest of us might well read that as "Do nothing until we're in opposition, then claim we'd have honoured demands for a referendum and hope the electorate buy it enough to vote us back in". After all, Dhimmi Dave has a track record on that.

We're staying in the EU under Liberal, Labour, or Conservative, it is that simple, and we'll never be given our say on it. All three of the usual suspect parties already know that they'd not like the answer we'd give.

Go on Tories, prove us wrong. Ignore Cameron, make a gesture and let Britain know you support our right to have a say on Europe.


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