Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Politicians, commentators, academics, and just about everyone else have long been divided on just what the Big Society is. Or, indeed, if it is anything at all other than a catchy, but ultimately empty, political slogan.

Now, we bring you the truth. The Big Society does exist, Dave Cameron didn't lie when he started banging on about it, although he may well have had his tongue firmly in cheek and a mental two fingers stuck up at all of us.

Big is indeed the buzzword for modern Britain, and Society, well, we still qualify as being one, although not one that any of us really wanted.

So, why is it a Big Society?

Big cutbacks for one. Everything that can possibly be cut back - other than foreign aid and spending on wars - is being cut back Big time. Foreign aid, that's increasing Big time.

We're seeing a Big increase in our population, thanks in large part to mass immigration and successive governments complete failure to deal with it.

Thanks to this Big increase in population, we're seeing a Big rise in the number of school places needed, and a Big demand for fresh housing to accommodate them all. Not to mention the Big increases in social spending to deal with all these minorities and their needs.

A Big rise in strike actions, and Big picket lines outside just about every public body going. Schools and Education, tube strikes, we are in line for one Big summer of discontent.

Big rises in unemployment among the indigenous as companies close down in the disastrous financial climate, and a Big rise in the number of foreigners occupying British jobs.

Big numbers of British people forced to rely on social benefits, and Bigger queues at foodbanks as the dire financial situation really begins to bite.

A Big increase in ethnic minority populations as birth rates and continued mass immigration ensure that the indigenous white British march towards minority status.

Big increases in non indigenous crimes - including those which are solely imported such as female circumcision or forced marriages.

The well documented Big rises in the rates of such diseases as Tuberculosis and HIV, largely driven by enrichers, and imposing a Big additional burden on the NHS and related services.

A Big reduction in the prison sentences criminals serve, at least if Ken Clarke gets his way.

Big increases in the amount we give to Europe, and which we have committed - and will no doubt commit again despite Daves reassurances - to bailouts of EU nations.

We could go on and on, but the case is proven. The Big Society does exist. Very tongue in cheek, we could say that the Big Society is real, and we're living in it. But, as the old saying goes, bigger doesn't mean better.

At least now you are enlightened, when the Big Society next comes up, and people bang their heads against the walls wondering what the hell it all means, you know. It could much more honestly be called a Big Mess, and a Big Mistake.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that the initials of the Big Society are B and S - every internet user out there has to know what BS stands for. It seems apt.


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