Wednesday, June 29, 2011

After much wait the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) report into child sex grooming within the UK is finally out - and the sickening reading it makes for should shock everyone.

Despite earlier leaks suggesting 20% of offenders were Asian - read Muslim in many cases, although the report of course dare not say this - the true figure revealed is 26%. Over a quarter, enrichment at its best as a small minority account for a huge amount of child sex offences.

38% of offenders are white - of course lumping all whites together to bump the figure up.

And a staggering 32% of offenders are 'unknown' - there's one hell of a way to make sure that, even now, the true extent of enricher child abuse remains hidden. Britain would weep if it could see the true figures.

What truly screams out - 90% of the victims were white! Ninety percent!

That is truly jaw dropping. Whites account for only 38% of offenders, yet make up an amazing 90% of victims. Does anybody doubt that our children aren't being used and abused by an avalanche of foreign perverts now?

Forget all the rubbish about ethnic minorities being less likely to report abuse, that's another cop out to hide the true extent of the enricher borne child abuse nightmare.

If it was 90% of victims of child sex grooming were Asian, do you not think that there'd be uproar, something would be done - and indeed would have been done before it ever reached this point?

Of course it would, you and I both know it, the politicians who prattle on about it not being a racial issue know it. Our children have been shunted into a wilderness of rampant abuse because nobody in authority dare admit the truth of what has been inflicted upon our nation and our people.

It is a hidden problem - because society chooses to hide it. Enrichment comes at a price, and that price is our children. It is one that those in charge seem willing to pay, and the innocence of our children be damned.

In light of these figures, which still underestimate the issue, how anyone can say that this is not a racial issue is beyond me.

It damn well would be a racial issue if it were black children, or Asian children, making up nearly all of the victims. It damn well would be if white men were responsible for 26% of all rapes and sex crimes against Asian children.

Of course, it is just our children, so community sensitivities and insisting that it's not any given ethnicities fault comes first. Our children aren't even worth telling us the truth over, let alone doing anything to protect.

If there was just one document to point at and say that enrichment has ruined Britain, and that the price we are paying is far too high, then this is it. If you are not sick by now then you can't give a damn about the children of this country.

This is wrong, there is no other way to put it, a total betrayal of all our children. If we truly love our kids then just how much longer are we going to put up with this nightmare?



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