Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reading some of the papers this week anyone might be forgiven for thinking that Dave Cameron has been elevated from the ranks of mere Prime Minister to something more akin to saviour of the nation, in waiting for elevation to sainthood.

"Cameron wins EU immigrant battle" the Sun proudly proclaims.

The Daily Mail is almost hysterical in its praise over Greece, all but genuflecting and anointing his sacred brow with oil as it tells us "Cameron victory on Greek bailout: EU chiefs cave in and rule out cash grab from Britain"

The Star held out hope with "DAVID CAMERON BANS AID". Capital lettering no less, something to really shout about. Is it foreign aid maybe? Of course not, just another reassurance that we'll not be bailing out Greece. Again. Chequebooks at the ready, bailouts are a forte, so long as it isn't failing institutions in the UK which the people rely on such as Southern Cross.

But, let's not rob Daves crowning week as a politician. He's a damn good chap, a veritable messiah among ministers, a prophet among politicians, a saint among spin doctors.

An angry saint though, a savage and furious messiah as the Guardian screams with its headline "David Cameron enraged by brochure showcasing £270m EU building".

Enraged no less. What a guy!

It must be reaction week to the news that the Millibands are busy showing brotherly love by backstabbing each-other, and Clegg being his usual useless self who isn't worth mentioning. The papers needed something heroic just to avoid admitting that Lib/Lab/Con are all utterly useless and ran by imbeciles.

Let's not mention the fact that it is utterly ridiculous that the UK should even need to win a victory against the EU to avoid being flooded with even more immigrants than we already have. We're still - at least nominally - a sovereign nation with our own borders, even though politicians have signed away a good part of that right to unelected bureaucrats in some sprawling, quasi Marxist EU dictatorship.

A victory would have been stopping the colonisation of our nation in the first place, or - if feeling charitable - making sure that no job goes to a foreign worker whilst there is a Brit able and willing to fill it. But no, today a victory is just making sure that the same old immigration game continues, only with no massive new influx to grab the headlines. It's still the same massive influx, just there's nothing new to see, move along please.

No, need not mention the fact that we're already on the hook for a lot of money in bailouts, and that only big business will make a profit from that. We pay out the cash on condition they privatise this and that and sell off the family silver. It isn't me and you benefitting, nor the people of the country they pretend to be benefitting.

Besides which, Greek default is all but inevitable, and it's probably better for the Greek people if they get it over with quickly before foreign investors scoop up large chunks of their nation at firesale rates.

It's a victory to be allowed to not lend money to someone who has no chance in hell of paying it back? Of course it is, never need to mention the sheer idiocy that we have to ask permission not to lend the money in the first place.

As for enraged over luxury buildings for bureaucrats? Yeah, the politicians are always enraged. It doesn't stop them handing over your money to pay for it all though. They're enraged because they have to say that, not because they really are some frugal guardian of the public purse who has your best interests at heart.

Every victorious headline hides the fact that it is pure defeat, Cameron and the rest of them had all caved in before the battle even began, and that's when they weren't actively working for the other side. At best, pyrrhic victories, but they give us a nice set of headlines to lull us in to thinking Britain still has any say or influence at all and that our politicians will stand up for us.

Dhimmi Dave and his ilk have sold out already. They'll snap up the headlines, but behind the scenes they are rubber stamping the surrender papers. What we see in the newspapers is spin to make us think we've a chance as a nation or a people under the present madness.

All the favoured politicians of the day - be they Con/Dem/Lab - has to offer is newspaper sainthood, a hollow hero backed by empty praise. We, the people of Britain, were sold out long ago. Every portrait of victory is just a caricature of what we should be, and we should not settle for so little.

Saint Cameron and the rest of those establishment saints in waiting have only one thing to offer, and that is surrender and spin. Hardly the tale of victorious legends like St George, more a tale of shame to Britain.


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