Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Two Somalian criminals have won a landmark case in the European Court of Human Rights which once again overrules Britains already miniscule power to control its own borders and to deport foreign criminals.

Abdiaziz Ibrahim Elmi, convicted of robbery and supplying heroin and cocaine, and Abisamada Adow Sufi, a convicted burglar, had faced deportation to Somalia, but the Strasbourg court has now ruled that they cannot be sent back.

Both men were set to be deported to Mogadishu in light of their criminal offences after exhausting the appeals process in the UK, but their deportation was blocked pending the ECHR hearing.

Judges there, of course, ruled that deporting either man would lead to a risk that they would be ill treated or killed, and therefore their human rights would be breached.

As part of the ruling, judges handed what amounts to a blanket ban on all deportations to any unsafe country no matter what crimes the enricher commits here, saying that "Consequently, the applicants' behaviour, however undesirable or dangerous, could not be taken into account".

In laymans terms, do whatever you like, rape, rob, and murder the British, Britain is stuck with you. The human rights of the British, namely the right no to suffer under an enricher borne tidal wave of crime, which surely does amount to inhuman or degrading conduct against us, matters nothing.

Another 214 similar cases are pending in the European Court of Human Rights. Anyone want to take a bet on how 99% - or more - of those are going to pan out?

Foreign criminals arriving here have human rights, and seemingly the right to exploit us from the moment they arrive until the day they die, without any risk of removal from the country. You and I, we seemingly have the right to smile and be grateful for how joyously enriched our nation has become.

Logic, as ever, flies out of the window. One might have thought that if these people were so terrified of being sent back to their homeland then they might have perhaps shown some gratitude at being in the UK, abided by our laws, and not committed crimes to begin with. But no, it's take take take, and the crying about human rights only begins when they are caught.

Britain has fast found itself a dumping ground for criminals from the world over, and rendered powerless to do a thing about it both by our own useless immigration system as well as the omnipotent rulings of the European Court of Human Rights.

This whole mad game of human rights just ensures that others are awarded the rights, and that Britain and the British people are expected to shoulder the burden of everyone elses wrongs.


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