Saturday, June 18, 2011

Courtesy of Hudson New York, a very informative article on the expansion of the Sharia banking system in the UK which is well worth a read.

"The British government will begin offering Muslim workers Sharia-compliant pensions as of 2012. The launching of the funds, which are said to be structured around a strict code of ethics and based on the Muslim Koran and Islamic Sharia law"

"The new financial products are seeking to fill the growing demand for Sharia-compliant financial products in Britain in the wake of Muslim mass immigration to the country."

"Little surprise, then, that Islamic banking is growing faster in Britain than it is in many Islamic countries in the Middle East and Asia"

"With $19 billion in reported Islamic banking assets, Britain's Islamic finance sector ranks number one in Europe, and number nine in the world"

"At least 85 Islamic Sharia courts are now operating in the country, almost 20 times as many as previously believed."

"A recent study by the London-based Civitas...found that scores of unofficial tribunals and councils regularly apply Islamic law to resolve domestic, marital and business disputes, many operating in mosques. It warns of a "creeping" acceptance of Sharia principles in British law."

Did you know that there were Sharia compliant baby bonds already, offered on the governments Child Trust Fund scheme?

Well worth a read, the Islamification of Britain continues unchecked.

Full Article -


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