Thursday, June 2, 2011


Teacher’s braver

A brave teacher in Monterrey, Mexico, who sang with her kindergartners to keep them calm during a drug shoot-out outside her school, has gained worldwide attention since the video of the episode went viral over the weekend.

Last Friday, Martha Rivera Alanis told her 15 pupils to place their faces on the floor, and repeated over and over again that everything was going to be fine. While gunmen shot and killed five people at a taxi stand nearby, Rivera led her students in a Spanish-language version of a song from the TV show "Barney and Friends." They sang about chocolate raindrops, until the shootout finally ended.

Rivera recorded part of the encounter with her cell-phone video camera, and the powerful footage of her young students' trustingly following her instructions quickly went viral. She uploaded the clip to her personal Twitter account, and then a local news station found it and put it on YouTube.

Incredibly, the 1.2-minute clip has already been viewed more than a million times, and the story of her bravery traveled far outside her northern Mexican hometown to the UK's Guardian newspaper, Al Jazeera and dozens of U.S. newspapers and blogs. You can watch the AP report of the story below

By Liz Goodwin


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