Sunday, July 31, 2011

Asylum seeker Mahira Rustam Al-Azawi, an Iraqi who came here to study, returned to Iraq, and then came back to the UK and claimed asylum, is starting a 3 year jail sentence after being convicted of swindling the taxpayer out of over £1million in a complex benefits fraud.

Using a series of identities Al-Azawi claimed benefits under multiple names and, with another false identity, even managed to gain Irish citizenship as well.

As a result of her swindles she was able to buy three homes and send her school to a private school, all off the back of the hard pressed taxpayer.

Doesn't it make you feel great to know how many of us in Britain really are suffering and struggling to make ends meet with little help, only to see someone like Al-Azawi living in luxury with money from our pockets?

As well as 3 years in prison she was ordered to pay back £190,000 within six months, which is of course just a fraction of the amount which she stole from the taxpayer.

All told a very enriching experience for Britain - the £1million swindled (less £190,000 if she does ever pay it pack), court and investigation costs, the cost of keeping her in prison, the list goes on and on. Yet again the British taxpayer is the loser.

Will she be deported? One wouldn't bet on it. With a family and a supposed disability - she refused to stand for the judge because she was too disabled - you can already guess that the human rights brigade will have a field day.

Oh, and you'll get to pick up the bill for that too no doubt. No wonder Britain is broke.


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