Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Courtesy of The Sun we have yet another insight into how people from the world over consider Britain to be a soft touch and are determined to milk us for all we are worth.

Afram and Bibi Ismail, are believed to have fled Africa. Afram has Tuberculosis, how much is that costing the NHS? Bibi Ismail also had surgery - you guessed it, paid for by the NHS.

But, that's not enough. They're now suing the UKBA for "discrimination" claiming that the amount of benefits they get (£181 a week) is not enough to take their children on holiday.

You really couldn't make it up, everyone and their uncle the world over appear to be looking for ways to fleece the British taxpayer for every penny they can get.

The UKBA said "Those with no right to be here should return home. We reject this claim and will fight this case in the courts".

Just kick them out then, save the money on huge court costs. Between lawyers and human rights the British people are getting robbed left, right, and centre.

Britain is a laughing stock the world over, everyone knows our pockets are bottomless and are there to be picked.

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