Thursday, July 28, 2011

Another BNP Councillor Gone

As our parties fortunes continue to go from bad to worse, news that another in our fast dwindling number of councillors has gone, leaving the BNP and declaring himself an Independent.

Martyn Findley was elected to Nuneaton and Bedworth Council three years ago, along with fellow BNP Councillor Darren Hayward.

Darren resigned in 2009 and his Camp Hill seat was taken by Labour after a by-election.

With Martyns decision to become an Independent it takes our presence on Nuneaton and Bedworth Council to - 0 councillors.

Quoted by the Coventry Telegraph, Martyn cites his reasons for leaving as "The BNP has gone backwards. I have been involved with the party for more than a decade but the progression has come to a halt and it is not something I could tolerate".

Full Story

Nobody can deny that recent times have been terrible for our party, we're bleeding councillors, activists, and members that we can ill afford to lose. As if losing that talent is not damaging enough, we're getting next to nothing to replace it with.

We really have to do something to stop the rot soon, we're fast sliding towards an abyss from which we will quite possibly never recover.

Text Donate to.....sorry, bad taste, but we really have to do something and quickly - else there will be nobody left save for whoever writes those text messages and email circulars.


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