Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pervert Dan Aaron Gee, jailed for 10 months after admitting to possessing indecent images of children, has had his sentence reduced to a community order by the Court of Appeal - because he might become "another inmates bitch" whilst in prison.

Gee is an interesting case. He'd set up a charity to help young people, and apparently devoted his life to charity work. With no insinuation intended, wouldn't most be worried about a man who likes indecent images of children would want to be involved with childrens charities?

His offences only came to light when his laptop computer was stolen from his car. According to judges the material on his computer was "utterly abhorrent".

Yet, appeal court judges say that he doesn't "pose a risk to real children in the future" and that a custodial sentence is not in the public interest.

It may be worth noting that child pornography online might not exist if it were not for people downloading it. Everyone copying the filth plays a part in the abuse of a child, the whole sickening thing is aimed at an audience, and without that audience there would be at least a lot less of it.

The "risk to real children" comes not only from those who do the abusing, but also from those who get off on viewing images of it. It's a sickening market place of perversion.

Many in the UK might well consider that "becoming another inmates bitch" might be a form of poetic justice, at least then those gloating over these images of abused children will get a taste of what it is like to be abused and used against ones will for anothers sexual gratification.

Still, welcome to justice in the UK, where being a pervert can get you out of jail if there is a risk that he might fall victim to perverts himself.

So much for the kids in the images Gee downloaded - they suffered, Gee gets away with it. The criminals win nearly every time. Some justice there.


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