Monday, July 25, 2011


Finally - with the votes closed and being counted - the BNP main site has actually given a prominent story in which the candidate statements for the leadership challenge are linked. Better late than never, they've been noticeably absent since the 'overhaul'.

Still no good links to the leadership videos though, they seem to have been buried somewhere along the line, just like everything else to do with the leadership challenge was. Great timing to land us with a new and half finished website.

Perhaps some prefer it that way, that 'unofficial' second bite of the cherry election video link that was spammed in the oh so subtle way of a party email, linking to Simon Darbys Twitter, where that video was the top post, is the one they'd like us to remember and judge based upon.

It's all a bit too late guys. What's the use in reading those candidate statements now that voting is closed?

We needed to read them before, but - either by clumsy web mastery or deliberate machination - they ended up buried away and gathering cobwebs. People will draw their own conclusions.

Is this a last ditch attempt to convince us that the main site has remained impartial and has given every member of the party a fair chance to consider all the facts and cast their vote accordingly?

At a recent hustings Clive Jefferson was often heard to mutter "shame" when trying to get over a point or heckle a candidate.

Agreed, it's time all of us in the BNP mutter that now. At best this has been amateur night, at worse a clumsy and deliberate attempt at manipulation, neither reflects well on us as a party.



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