Friday, July 29, 2011

Racism in the Garden Centre!

Bybrook Barn Garden Centre in Kennington has found itself in the middle of a racism controversy - after a complaint that black cuddly dolls it was selling were racist.

The dolls - which do look a little like Golliwogs (are we allowed to say that now, they are an historical fact after all?) - aroused the wrath of one Ms Lindy Gander who appears determined to stir up a one woman crusade.

"It is disgusting that there are still organisations/shops like you who are willing to try to sell racist garbage like this" she emailed the garden centre boss, Terry Burch, "I will also be contacting my friends in Kent and the south east to contact gardening groups in your area to boycott your shop unless you remove these 'toys' immediately"

Much to his credit, Mr Burch appears to be sticking to his guns, "We are not amused by your comments or by your threats" he wrote back, "It's yourself that introduces racism into the issues. Had these dolls been white no comment would have been made"

Full Story

Once more we see hysterical, publicity seeking individuals so myopically obsessed with racism that they can read hatred into everything, and who attempt to use threats in order to browbeat others into compliance with their insane obsessions.

Witch! Throw it in the river. If it floats we'll burn it! If it drowns, err, oops, on to the next, that one looks like a witch to me. You doubt it? Careful, could it be that you are a witch too? Witchhhhhhh!

Societies unhealthy crusade against discrimination creates the perfect climate for such manifest madness to thrive, and the ideal outlet for it to be taken seriously. Were it not for PC insanity nobody would take it seriously, it would be met with the sniggers and contempt which it deserves.

Instead, hysteria and trivial accusation are left to run rampant, often with devastating effect. The petty jobsworth with their politically correct rulebook, lurking behind their curtains, twitching madly lest they glimpse any hint of racism, is given free rein.

Ms Gander told the Kentish Express that "If retailers like Mr Burch didn’t order these dolls in the first place then maybe the supplier would stop making them".

If society didn't pander to the insane and rabid shrieking of a PC obsessed lunatic fringe then maybe we'd find society had less of such hysterical people. That can't be a bad thing.


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