Thursday, July 28, 2011

Well, no shock - we asked about this a while back during the leadership challenge and we got no answer. Now we know why.

The British National Party has not submitted their 2010 statement of accounts to the Electoral Commission.

You can click on the image and see that every other main party managed it, but we did not.

Follow the link and see for yourself

If we follow on to the news release link we see that - along with ourselves - only that political warhorse and front row contender the "Christian Party - Proclaiming Christ’s Lordship" also failed to submit accounts.

"The majority of parties and accounting units have complied with the law by submitting their accounts on time. However, despite the guidance and advice we offer to help parties comply with the law, two parties have yet again failed to provide accounts on time. This is not acceptable" said Peter Wardle, Chief Executive of the Electoral Commission.

Indeed, it is not acceptable, we agree.

No wonder there was a resounding silence when we asked about Electoral Commission accounts during the leadership challenge.

Sadly, we can't say it's a surprise though, most of us were expecting this. All that remains to be seen now is what excuse we'll use to try and get off with it, and whether or not we'll get slapped with fines or sanctions.

How come nearly every other party can get it right and comply with the rules, and yet we can't?


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