Sunday, July 31, 2011

Britain, faced with an immigrant created baby boom and ever increasing numbers of births, also faces continuing closures of maternity units despite PM David Camerons pledge to protect midwives.

An investigation carried out by the Sunday Mirror points to 12 maternity units having been closed, and "chronic staff shortages, a lack of training and inadequate equipment are putting the lives of mothers and babies at risk".

14 NHS trusts now have baby death rates at least double national average, and as many as 17 women have died after blunders in one London NHS trust alone.

As we've already pointed out on South West Nationalists before, Britain is short of 4,700 midwives, but we're still finding money to train them abroad for the benefit of nations receiving foreign aid.

Mirror Story
Britains maternity wards face a hellish time, with cutbacks imposed by ConDem on the one hand, and the number of babies they are having to deal with increasing at an alarming rate.

Reduce numbers of units, and a shortfall of midwives, is a recipe for disaster in the face of the immigrant driven rise in births, where the number of babies born in the UK is at its highest level in over 40 years.

Our maternity units face absolute crisis, overwhelmed by births, underfunded and understaffed.

It is becoming plainer by the day that Britain quite simply cannot cope with the population explosion which has been forced upon it.

ConDem, desperately trying to force austerity measures through on the one hand, and doing nothing to solve the problems which mass immigration is bringing us, are presiding over a maternity system which is being pushed perilously close to collapse.

In the days and years to come things will only get worse, right up until breaking point, unless the root cause behind rapidly increasingly births in the UK is dealt with.


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