Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sir Michael Day, former aide to Tony Blair, raked in an astonishing £5,505 a day as an adviser to the Department for International Development.

He's not the only one on to a nice little earner - another director got the same rate, and two senior consultants received £2,350 a day.

The DFID - saving us money of course - have renegotiated though, reducing the fee to £4,404 a day. Hurrah, how austere, a shame it's still about £4,350 a day too high.

Full Story
Still, it speaks volumes about the DFID's operations. Whether the money is ending up in some tinpot African dictators pocket, or in the pockets of an army of officials and overpaid officials, foreign aid is well and truly out of control.

We're wasting money on countries such as Pakistan, which can quite easily help itself if the government there chose to use its money on improving the lives of its people. We're storing up a whole mass of problems due to overpopulation.

And, we're seeing our money wasted on bureaucrats and advisors who cost an absolute fortune.

Given the dire financial situation in which our nation finds itself, and the cutbacks being applied to everything else, it's about time we put our nation first and said no more foreign aid.

Instead, ConDem will increase foreign aid year on year - there's money for the DFID and half the countries on Earth, but you and I will never see the benefits of that. We don't matter though, nobody in power cares what we think about how our money should be spent.


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