Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Very interesting news courtesy of the British Resistance today, that fully half of any money you text to donate to the BNP will go to the network operator rather than the party itself.

At the time of writing we've no way of verifying the claims made on the British Resistance, but also no reason to doubt them - should Clive Jefferson or any other appropriate official care to comment then we will happily print their unedited response here.

Meanwhile, there's no alternative but to advise all readers to exercise extreme caution about donating to the party via txt message - it's better safe than sorry, it's one thing giving our hard earned money to change Britain for the better, quite another giving it to the telecoms companies to rack up huge profits.

Please Central Party, many members do wish to donate - tell us that every penny we send is going to the British National Party, and not to commissions or telecoms company profits.

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