Friday, July 29, 2011

Police Community Support Officer Renata Dudek has raised the issue of homeless migrants with Yeovil Town Council as the towns streets become home to jobless Polish immigrants, many of whom are reported to have alcohol problems and mental health issues.

"The number one problem is migrant homelessness. Some of them choose to live that way and some of them don't know where to go to get help" PCSO Renata Dudek, herself a native Polish speaker, told the council. Part of her job is to act as a liason with South Somersets migrant population.

The blame appears to lie with the economic downturn leaving many of these people jobless, with of course no mention made of the insanity of importing scores of workers to begin with.

And, it's our fault. According to Andy Merryfield of the Somerset Racial Equality Council, "These are often very proud people, not wanting to admit the situation they find themselves in and perhaps too proud to go home.....English language courses are limited and this is a real barrier to what they should be getting".

Should any of us decide to move to other countries in search of work, how many of those countries will pay for us to learn the language so that we can get help with benefits and health issues? Tut tut, such discrimination.

Yet another benefit of open borders and mass economic migration which they never told us about - that when the jobs are gone, the streets are enriched by drunken foreign workers without jobs who are too proud to go home.

Nobody ever really expressed any concern about the poor British worker getting elbowed out of the jobs market place though, left struggling for work, in grinding poverty, and suffering rising levels of mental health issues and alcoholism, did they?

Somehow none of this is a surprise at all.

*quotes from Yeovils Western Gazette


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