Monday, July 25, 2011

A man who carried out a brutal rape in Devon, leaving his victim for dead, could see his prison sentence drastically reduced after a change to EU law.

Polish Jakub Tomczak carried out the brutal attack on a 48 year old mother in 2006, raping and battering his victim before dumping her under a van and leaving her for dead.

He was subsequently given two life sentences at Exeter Crown Court after being convicted of rape and grievous bodily harm, and Devon police at the time said it was one of the most brutal rapes they had ever investigated.

His victim, who was left wheelchair bound, died in 2010, although a coroner ruled that the death was unrelated to the injuries which she suffered in the attack.

"People like this can come over here, create merry hell and then go back to their own country and get treated lightly....As far as I'm concerned, he killed my sister and made an orphan out of her son who is now in foster care" the victims brother told newspapers.

Tomczak, who is serving his sentence in Poland, is appealing to courts today to have his sentence reduced under EU legislation which says that a sentence passed in another EU country can be reduced if it exceeds the maximum sentence for that crime in the the criminals own home country.

When sentenced Tomczak was given an 18 year life tariff, but in Poland his crimes carry a maximum sentence of 12 years.

His application to have his sentence amended, due to be heard at a court in the Polish city of Poznan today, could see his sentence so heavily reduced that he is released within 18 months.

Yet more EU meddling handing the rights to criminals and allowing them to escape lightly from the consequences of their horrific crimes.

The loathsome, sprawling bureaucracy which is the EU, putting out its insane edicts which have no reference to reality, is by far and away one of the greatest enemies of law and order in all of our nations.


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