Tuesday, July 26, 2011

And, in todays news from the world of politically correct UK bureaucracy, the eviction of 400 travellers from Dale Farm in Crays Hill, Essex may well be delayed because the council has decided that bailiffs need training in cultural awareness before an eviction can take place.

Until such training, and it appears as if the Basildon Council is having difficulty finding any travellers rights or representatives group willing to offer the training - no shock there - the £18 million eviction operation is on hold.

There are, apparently, concerns that their may be violent confrontations during any removal and that equalities legislation may be breached.

The travellers, who began arriving at the camp in 2001, are reported to have set up barbed wire barricades and left high pressure cannisters around the camp in readiness for what is described as a "state of war".

Still, we must be culturally sensitive, no matter that they are breaking planning laws by being there, and have all but threatened to turn any enforcement operation into a violent confrontation.

Sensitivity comes before the law any day of the week in our barmy British councils rulebook.

Never mind the law, the rubbish strewn about the camp, threats of violence, and the nightmare which local residents have to endure from having Britains largest traveller encampment on their doorstep, we've just got to make sure that no traveller is offended by a bailiff who might use a culturally insensitive term or two.

You couldn't make it up, indeed you don't need to in the lunatic asylum that is modern Britain, the truth is crazier than anything you could dream up.


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