Tuesday, July 26, 2011

44 year old Nkosinati Mabanda is starting a 4 years prison sentence for GBH after having unprotected sex with numerous women despite knowing that he was HIV positive, and infecting at least two of them with the disease.

"Typhoid" Mabanda admitted in court to inflicting grievous bodily harm on a woman by infecting her with the HIV virus.

With total disregard for the health of others, and for the law, Mabanda even bedded one woman whilst he was on bail.

Of the women he slept with, two have been discovered to have the HIV virus, and the woman he slept with whilst on bail was not infected. Another seven women bedded by him have not been traced and could be unknowingly carrying the virus.

As well as four years in prison, Mabanda has been given an ASBO which orders him not to engage in any sexual activity with a person without first informing them that he is infected with HIV. Just marvellous, that will surely achieve a lot, it's not like they can check he has informed partners until after they make a complaint.

Mabanda could be deported upon his release from prison the judge warned at Wolverhampton Crown Court.

Want to bet he won't be removed from the UK, he'll get to stay on some human rights ruling because he'll claim he won't get proper treatment for his HIV if sent back to Zimbabwe?

No wonder the levels of HIV in the UK, with each case costing a fortune for lifelong treatment on the NHS, have been increasing almost year on year when we're enriched by the likes of callous and irresponsible Mabanda.


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