Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ed who? Sorry, Ed Miliband has gone under the knife for surgery to fix a deviated septum in his nose.

The operation, carried out at the Royal National Throat, Nose, and Ear Hospital in central London, comes in the hope of correcting his sleep apnoea - a condition which can cause sleep interruptions and excessive snoring.

Now, if only they can work out a way to stop audiences snoring every time he opens mouth then they might be on to something. Still, some things are beyond the wonders of even medical science.

According to reports Mr Miliband is now recovering, and will shortly be going on holiday with his family.

Meanwhile, for the next few days, he'll have to eat soup, baby food, and other soft foodstuffs. Give the man a break, any splodges and stains on his tie, at least for the next few days, are not his fault.

Milibands voice has apparently remained virtually unchanged by the procedure. It's good to be constant, at least people will still know when to change stations on the television or radio the moment that Ed starts talking.

And, sorry Ed - all in fun. Here's to you making a swift recovery and being back in action soon.

Any of us who would rather not see another Labour government in the immediate future want you back to fighting fit and leading your party as soon as possible.

Best finish typing here, there's only so much Ed a writer can take before they start snoring.


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