Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's racist to require people, or spouses who would join their partner in the UK at least, to speak English apparently.

Or at least that's what a court in Birmingham is deciding, in a case brought by three couples challenging the rules.

Rashida Chapti and her husband Vali, who have been married for 40 years and have 6 children, have been dividing their time for the last 15 years between India and the UK. Vali, an Indian citizen, wants to move the UK - but he does not speak English.

Under rules introduced in 2010, non European partners wishing to join a UK spouse/someone settled here have to demonstrate an understanding of the English language.

Instead of Vali Chapti learning English, you've guessed it, it ends up in court with claims that it is racist and discriminatory to expect someone who wants to live in England to learn English.

One might think that after 15 years (on and off) in the UK someone might have learned a little English, enough to pass the meagre requirements of a basic language test at least.

But, no, so it says a lot about plans to integrate into British society.

Too many want to come here, and, instead of in any way integrating, want to live in England but not be a part of England. Instead, they want their England to be a little India, or Pakistan, or Somalia or whatnot.

After all, who needs English. We'll pay for translators if ever needed, we'll make sure every single government leaflet is available in 500 different languages, all at taxpayer expense of course.

You've no need to bother, we'll foot the bill, no need to do anything in England at all other than take what you want and stuff the rest. That's integration at work for you.

Anyone complains then call them racist, it works every time. We'll even fund some lawyers for you, complete with interpreters, to prove it.

When will sanity prevail? It would be refreshing for our nation not to be crazier than the delirium dreams of a depressed opium fiend.

Until then we'll just keep on paying the bill and everyone else will do whatever they like. It's only Britain so it's not like the British should have any say or any rights.


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