Sunday, June 19, 2011

"Muslim communities in this country are doing their damnedest to try to come to terms with their neighbours to try to integrate and they're doing their best to try to develop an idea of Islam that is compatible with living in a modern liberal democracy" - Trevor Philips, head of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, quoted in the Telegraph.

Come on Trevor, pull the other one. That's deluded even for you, someone must have slipped something in your coffee and it's giving you visions of wonderland.

Where on earth do you see this Muslim integration and trying their damndest to love their neighbours - not in the Britain the rest of us see, that's for sure.

Would it be in the burka clad pairs of eyes we see thronging the high streets, walking a suitable number of paces behind their husbands to show deference?

Wait, perhaps it's the huge rises in homophobic incidents in Muslim dominated areas? Hm, no, can't be that.

Large sections of the Muslim community who have not even bothered to learn English?

Oh yes, it's how progressive Islam has allowed women to become Imams, and to attend mixed congregations in every mosque?

Could it be in the fact that those arrested for terrorism in the UK and who also have a penchant for blowing themselves and civilians up on public transport are overwhelmingly white, and Christian,? Oh wait, sorry, read the wrong column on the police reports, can't be that, substitute Asian and Muslim in there.

The huge rise in arranged and forced marriages in the UK?

Campaigns to bring Sharia law to the UK, with the already existing Sharia courts popping up everywhere now?

Hard work this, I'm on the verge of giving up. Time for a coffee and a cigarette whilst I scratch my head.

No, wait, I've finally got it!

Child grooming. How much more integrated could you get than that. Passing around young white children and having sex with them, thus integrating with the indigenous population at a most basic and fundamental level. Then, in at least one case, slaughtering them so that they can provide a nutritious meal for drunks on the way home from the pub.

Yes, we can really see what you mean Trevor, they really are trying hard to integrate into a liberal and modern democracy.

That great planet Equality must be a pretty foggy place, it seems you can't see what is right in front of your own nose. Or, you can see it but you'd never say it. Islam is great and sacred, always the victim and never the aggressor. It is without flaw, and to say otherwise is discrimination.

For someone whose job is supposedly "equalities" - at least nominally, many might argue it is more about propaganda and persecution - you really seem to have no clue. Everyone who isn't Muslim is going to find themselves without much equality once Muslim coloniz....err integration is complete.

Sorry Trevor, best to give up now - perhaps retire to a nice little council house in a Muslim dominated area of Tower Hamlets and witness that integration first hand. You'll be a wiser man for it, although probably not a happier one.


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